Face Hair Removal Machine

Face Hair Removal Machine

The face hair removal machine is well received currently. Facial hair removal for women is becoming more and more popular. Due to technological advances, laser treatment for facial hair is now even quicker, more convenient, and more affordable than ever before – enabling the fast treatment of facial hair with minimal discomfort and no downtime.

Best Facial Hair Removal

To meet the best facial hair removal, PrettyLasers developed the PL-109, the new generation of laser hair reduction system from the diode laser system. So laser treatment for facial hair is effective, fast, and comfortable.

In order to provide you with optimal facial hair removal for women treatment possibilities, the face hair removal machine comes with:

  • Versatile 808nm diode laser.
  • 10×12 mm² providing a solution for large and small areas requiring higher fluence levels.
  • Strong contact cooling technology – Integrated contact cooling provides epidermal protection for laser treatment of facial hair areas.

Best Salon Laser Hair Removal Machine PL-HR08
Best Salon Laser Hair Removal Machine PL-HR08

Face and facial hair – Professional laser hair removal

Both males and females can benefit from facial hair removal using laser treatment.

Facial Hair Removal For Women

When the hair is left unattended, it can influence a female’s facial structure, complexion, and general beauty. Excessive facial hair can demoralize a woman’s spirit, self-esteem, and confidence. Fortunately, by selecting the best facial hair removal machine that meets your needs, it is possible to get rid of facial hair very effectively and relatively painlessly.

Facial laser hair removal for men

Some men may dislike shaving and may want to remove the facial hair growth permanently. They can benefit by using laser facial hair removal. The removal is effective in eliminating shaving. Laser hair treatments can also give a tidier appearance to the face by reducing hair in areas like the eyebrows. Your physician will take special care when using lasers around the eyes. This is for safety purposes.

Laser hair removal also prevents hair irritation and the development of folliculitis, a condition in which some hair follicles get inflamed.

Laser hair removal for facial hair is less painful, easy, and quick when compared with other treatment options. Many sessions may be required, but the treatment is likely to last long. With advancing age, some patients may need to use the laser again to treat newly growing facial hair.

Since laser hair removal for the chin, upper lip, and eyebrows involves a small area, prices are more reasonable than for other larger body areas.

Laser Treatment For Facial Hair

In the past, remedies for unwanted facial hair included plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis, depilatory creams, and of course chemical depilatorries. Some are painful. Some are messy and all are only temporary.

Laser treatment for facial hair is a more effective solution. The PL-109 uses advanced diode lasers with strong TEC + Sapphire contact cooling technology to get rid of facial hair with greater speed and comfort than other methods. However, face hair removal machines will also ensure certain benefits such as:


Effectiveness – This facial hair removal machine is designed to facilitate maximum removal of facial hair.

Strong Semiconductor +Sapphire Contact Cooling Technology

Cooling Technology – Integrated contact cooling provides epidermal protection for laser treatment areas for facial hair requiring precision and higher fluence.

Advanced Operation Interface

Intuitive user-friendly interface is easy to learn and operate.

Learn More:

One of the most common problems that women have to deal with is facial hair. While men can easily get away with it by shaving, the same does not work in the case of women. As a result, women end up opting for other hair removal services like waxing or threading which ultimately damage the skin.

However, today medical science has made a lot of advancements in facial hair removal methods. Modern innovative devices such as laser hair removal systems allow women to get rid of unwanted facial hair. Not only that but women also use this removal method on their arms and legs as it is safe and highly effective. One of the most effective and highly used hair removal treatments in using PrettyLasers’s aesthetic machines is laser hair removal.

For some people, shaving and waxing can be too much, it can be the cause for ingrown hair, red bumps or even rashes. When you PrettyLasers’s diode laser machines, the process is very quick, and within a few sessions, you will notice a dramatic difference.

Even smaller areas like the upper lip and chin can be treated with this. Laser treatment is excellent for those with dark coarse hair. It gets rid of all the unwanted hair without damaging the skin around it.

The process is pretty quick. If you want to go for a full face of laser treatment it will ideally take 30 minutes for the entire session. Your dermatologist will suggest a proper regime for the aftercare. Make sure you follow it for the best results.

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